Saturday, December 22, 2007

Suntem copii si suntem fericiti

ne tavalim pe jos,
ne murdarim pe maini,
ne stropim prin balti,
umblam desculti,
Suntem copii si suntem fericiti.

ne jucam cu putza,
mancam nisip,
batem fetite pentru ca le iubim,
suntem curiosi,
Suntem copii si suntem fericiti.

picam din picioare,
ne pisam pe noi,
ne rupem o mana,
stam in ploaie,
Suntem copii si suntem fericiti.

desenam cu orice,
ne jucam cu orice,
suntem capabili de orice,
suntem imbatabili - chiar neinvinsi,
Suntem copii si suntem fericiti.

ne batem cu bulgari de zapada
ne tavalim prin noroi,
facem castele din nisip,
ne asezam pe un scaun si avem o masina,
stam sub masa si avem o casa,
Suntem copii si suntem fericiti.

negam sfatul,
negam forma,
negam eticheta,
ne facem de cap,
Suntem copii si suntem fericiti.

intarziem la masa,
facem oameni de zapada,
ascultam povesti,
traim povesti,
Suntem copii si suntem fericiti.

suntem copii,
suntem ademeniti,
suntem pacaliti,
suntem bucurosi,
mancam ca sa ne jucam,
Suntem copii si suntem fericiti.

ne ascundem,
ne bagam in seama,
avem prieteni imaginari,
avem lumea noastra,
avem tot,
Suntem copii si suntem fericiti.

dam din inima,
suntem sinceri,
credem in ceea ce spunem,
credem orice,
aprobam orice,
negam orice,
Suntem copii si suntem fericiti.

ne plictisim,
ne place sa radem,
ne place sa vorbim,
toti sunt prietenii nostri,
vrem sa fim mari,
vrem sa fim ocupati,
vrem sa fim obositi,
Suntem copii si suntem fericiti.

avem multe intrebari,
avem multe raspunsuri,
avem multi prieteni,
vrem sa stim totul,
Suntem copii si suntem fericiti.

construim ce ne place,
adunam tot si toate,
dam tot si toate,
Suntem copii si suntem fericiti.

suntem incaltati,
suntem imbracati,
suntem hraniti,
suntem culcati,
Suntem copii si suntem fericiti.

omoram cu aceeasi usurinta cu care dam viata ideilor,
raspundem cu aceeasi moneda,
ne plangem de aceleasi lucruri,
ne bucuram de aceleasi lucruri,
Suntem copii si suntem fericiti.

ne simtim bine cand ni se alineaza dorintele,
suntem directi,
spunem ce simtitm,
spunem imediat cum ne simtim,
spunem multe,
facem multe,
spunem ca suntem copii si suntem Fericiti.

Thursday, December 6, 2007


Happppy birthday to youuuuuuuuuu..synopsis loves you too [:] hooo hooo

Sunday, December 2, 2007

Personal view.

By now you know what my interests are so far regarding the previously 41 topics. Till now I barely had a personal view towards anything because I really needed to see how this all works and moves and nevertheless 'feels' like... now I know.

So here are some things that I want to make clear from start with you, me and a potential-future-me and everybody else.

I don't write/post for you or for the potential-future-me nor for everybody else. If I write something down here I will(am) write(ing)/post(ing) on this blog first and foremost for myself(present moment-tense)... I lived this "comment-expectancy-phenomena" for eight months now while I posted the previously 41 topics... and really didn't like the fact that nobody wanted to comment on those topics ... as I assumebly would have expected... Of course I admit that this is(was)/was(is) MY OWN PROBLEM - no comment about that, but still is an globally-ongoing,-(developing-into-'normality')-, phenomenon... if you think about it.

here another question arose - If not for others why the heck do it? Why not keep a journal? .. a written one.

I have lots of journals - and still cannot logically explain why I am doing this... at least I feel like doing it. But if we were to explain all the choices we made till this point in life...( 4 shaman-lifetimes wouldn't be enough ). ... so, here I am- barely naked and legal - just going with the flow, stopping myself from explaining my actions and just posting stuff, filtered through the moment/instant/lifetime in the breath of the... present-moment-tense.

If not for me - definitely my future me will have a blast reading this stuff here.

Thinking about contradictions now ...!?

yes - hopefully there will be as many in my life as possible... I like contradictions - U-turns - Crossroads - and ...late trains - mainly because all the big systems are infected by this virus.

... but I don't live by contradictions, as contradictory as it may sound, I have an extraordinary life. ;)


My bows to Milton and Storm...