Friday, January 25, 2008

4 Incapacitati / 4 Incapacities

"Cateva consecinte a 4 incapacitati."
"Some consequences of 4 incapacities."

de / by Charles S. Peirce

1. Nu avem putere de introspectie, dar orice cunoastere a lumii exterioare deriva din rationamante ipotetice.
We have no power of Introspection, but all knowledge of the internal world is derived by hypothetical reasoning from our knowledge of external facts.

2. Nu avem putere de intuitie, ci orice cunoastere e determinata de cunostiinte anterioare.
We have no power of Intuition, but every cognition is determined logically by previous cognitions.

3. Nu avem putere de gandire fara semne.
We have no power of thinking without signs.

4. Nu avem nicio conceptie despre ceea ce este absolut incognoscibil.
We have no conception of the absolutely incognizable.

A more in depth view of this topic on this site dedicated to Peirce and his lifetime research.


Questioning the question itself would be an answer if an answer could really exist without the question.