" I honestly do not understand why people are afraid of new ideas. I am really scared of old ideas." (John Cage)
" By creating something, you are personally approving its existence and directing the fate of many resources."(Stephen Peart)
" We construct and construct, but intuition is still a good thing. We can do great deal without it, but not everything."(Paul Klee)
" Photographs become raw material vulnerable to extension and improvement through processes used by graphic designers to create pages : image selection, cropping,juxtaposition, overlapping, bleeding, collaging, scale change and integration with other elements.?(Philip B. Meggs)
" Lenevim dar lenevim organizat. "(@Silvia)
" The uncertainty of the world is its greatest certainty. " (Verb)
" Design depends largely on constraints. " (Charles Eames)
" The toughest thing when running a design studio is not to grow. " (Tibor Kalman)
" This is why amateurs have an advantage over pros:
A pro knows what he can deliver, and rarely goes beyond it. An amateur has no concept of his limitations and generally goes beyond them."
" Processes are far more interesting than ideas
*linked to existing codes
*operating critically or in allignment with preexisting systems of ideas
*a process is the generation of a micro-history of a project
*a kind of specific narative where the entity of the project forms in a sequence
If geological, biological or human history, for instance, have something to teach us it is that these processes of temporal formation produce organisations of a higher complexity and sophistication then instantaneous ideas.